Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Unable to get user's filelist or search results.

Quite a few hub users are complaining about not being able to get user filelist or get any search results, For those users here's a simple connection setting that needs to be changed under Apexdc++ Settings \ Connection settings.  Please check the screenshot for further instructions.

 Click on the image for a larger screenshot view

Once you change the settings as per the screenshot, close and restart apexdc++. You should now be able to connect other users as well as get search results.

Have any Problem? Watch this Video to get better idea.

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  1. According to this manual -

    you may not be able to download / receive search results from passive users. So if everyone is using this mode there is still no connectivity...

  2. "A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond."
    i get this reply when try to connect ApexDC++

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